Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Remedy for Spiritual Vampires & Bullys

Remedy for Spiritual Vampires & Bullys
By Sharice D. Harris
Nov. 7th, 2012
No one can ever take away your divine inner essence but you can give it away by allowing energetic vampires freedom to lurk around in your life- Sharice Harris

They can be physically, emotionally or verbally abusive or they can taunt, smirk, sneer and laugh at you for opening up and speaking your mind lovingly. They are called: ‘Spiritual Bully’s’ because they see Love and optimism as signs of weakness and they often attach themselves to people who do Love in order to get more energy.

These energies/persons usually in some form of authoritative position are petrified of being judged themselves, so instead of being judge they often choose to play the judge themselves and when they do, they will usually drain any source of inner beauty and optimism they can.

They are often your boss, your parents, your spouse, your mother-in-law, your siblings. They are often those that are the closest to you or people that you come into frequent contact with.

Believe it or not ‘Spiritual Bully’s’ even lurk in self-help/personal growth groups. They call themselves realist and you can spot them quite easily because they never come around to say anything good but they are always on time when they feel like you made a mistake or whenever they find an opening to ridicule or spread their cynicism.

Here are some signs that a Spiritual Bully is draining your energy:

1.) You feel tired, drained and unmotivated to wake-up and live your passions.

2.) You have an odd mental chatter, which I refer to as thinking from more than one mind.

3.) You feel scared, uncertain , indecisive or insecure about sharing what you’ve learned from your own life because you’ve been thinking and listening to more that one mind, usually the Spiritual Bully’s mind which taughts, nags and drains.

4.) You've been exposed to indirect comments that are rude and draining in nature and even though they would like you to think that that person who sends out the draining energy was talking about someone else, your intuitive self keeps telling you that they are talking about you and you can sense that in some way that their putting you down seems to motivate and empower them.
If you feel any of the above, then you are most likely being drained by a Spiritual Bully. Here are a couple of steps you can do to take your power back!
1.) Cut Them Off A.S.A.P.

This is often a very hard task for people who are really loving because we really like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt but the truth is that you can see whose giving and whose taking by the way they interact with you and others. I’ve seen so many positively loving good people get the life sucked out of them because simply they don’t want to be rude or hurtful! If you find yourself faced with this scenario or a similar one, ask yourself the following:

“What's more important to me? What I think and feel or what someone else thinks and feels about me? Would I rather risk loosing that person who's draining my essential life force or would I rather loose my natural zeal and excitement for life?”

If you cut-off a spiritual bully they will be forced to look at themselves and that’s something they’ve been avoiding for a long time now! They will most likely move onto the next weakest ‘nice person’ they feel they can find.

2.) Inspire Yourself!

Every thing we experience even crossing paths with energy vampires/bullys is all a learning lesson toward wisdom! Before we can inspire anyone else, we must first call our power back and learn how-to rise above lower level energies that drain and take, take, take. It’s easy to be a giver instead of taker but in order to do so, we must foremost learn how-to feed our soul’s purpose! Fill your divine cup or body up everyday with genuine feel good inspiration! The kind tof positive Love and light that helps you transcends lower level thinking such as doubt and fear. In order for this to work you should commit to least a minumum of 15-30 minutes day. You owe it to yourself!

3.) Transform that Vampish Energy!

You heard me! This is the fun and transformational part of taking your power back! Take that very same vampish/bully energy that caused you so much confusion and loss of energy and turn it into spiritual fuel you can use! That’s what light workers like Jesus and Buddha did and that’s one of the lessons they came to teach us! That’s also why they always were shrouded in light. Light workers attract these troubled souls, mainly because troubled souls really do get sick of being around themselves. To start the transformational process, follow the steps above but more importantly start expressing your authenticity in whatever unique form it is! If it’s writing about your favorite subject: Write! If it’s dancing: Dance an ensemble that expresses what you went through! If it’s singing: Sing about how you overcame that drainage. If it’s giving Love and inner peace, revel in being around soul’s that emanate and RECIPROCATE that inner peace and Love! These spiritual vampires/bullys would like for you to believe that everything you are doing is a hopeless waste of time and that your really off course but the truth is that your transforming that draining energy into inspiration will inspire someone else you meet down the road in life! So at the end even coming across them was never REALLY a waste of time. Just another lesson learnt!

Lastly, if you stick the 3 steps above, You’ll notice that the people who are left around you are also inspiring givers! You will be steeped in inspiration naturally and spread Love and compassion easily.
Remember spiritual vampires stick to habitual safe zones with other lower level energies that also take, take, take, that's where they can safely rant, taunt, rave, ridicule and degrade openly and freely. They can’t touch the what’s in the light and expressing yourself in the light of Love is your birthright!
It’s actually your very reason for being and anyone who makes you feel less than doesn’t contribute to your true loving divine purpose!

Why not start early and make this ‘2013’ New Year a restorative year? Why not surround yourself with beings who also Love easily and live in the light of Love? Resolve to Allow Yourself to Live, Love and Be As Happy As You Want! Choose to live a Life that You See Fit! If you don’t, who else will live your life for you?

Friday, November 2, 2012



I sense you in each star and in every sunrise. I feel you in the grass and the cool breeze that flows through the trees. I feel your strength and power in your mountains and your ease which flows through each river and down every stream. I see you looking back at me in every living animal and every living being. I see you playing with us and hiding behind the infinity of the ten thousand things!
- Sharice Harris

While doing some research the other day, I came across a fictional story by an Author named Arthur C. Clarke. The story entitled: “The Nine Billion Names of God”, (published in 1953) was about a Tibetan monastery whose monks sought to list every imaginable name of God. They believed that the universe was solely created in order for us to name all of God’s names and they believed that once they had completed discovering all of God’s names that the stars would flicker out like lights being turned off and that universe as we know it would come to an end.

The monks set out to work using what was considered back then modern technology. They created a machine that could precisely calculate and encode every possible name of God imaginable. It was an arduous task which took some time but after they had finished naming every possible name of God, the stars did indeed began to flicker off and the world as they knew it, nostalgically began to come to an end.

As I heard about that story, I couldn’t help but feel that there was some truth in that fictional tale. I mean through the infinite throws in life, each and every one of us experiences day in and day out, at the end of it all, it’s all a cry or yearning to know even deeper depths of God or Love.

Whether we want to admit it or not, we don’t have it all figured out by a certain age because we don’t how God or Love is going to use us to complete our story in this lifetime.

Sure, we can use our five senses with the help of our heart, gut and soul to tell when something doesn’t feel right or if something is missing in our lives but very few of us can actually tell where our personal life story will lead us because we are all being used in a story that is for the greater good of all of us. Some of us live our whole lives playing a game of cat and mouse with our relationships and even with our lives, while some of us choose to project our image of God’s Love onto others even in the midst of our own searching.

We are all students in life, sharing what we know and sizing up what we think someone else does or does not know because we know on a deeper level that God comes in countless forms! God is often so undetectable to our five senses that we barely notice that we are immersed in God right now. 

Do you realize that most people don’t realize that God is not on the outside but that we are actually inside of God right now?

We are living in God right now. What we consider as discovering God, is only God’s unfolding and disseminating of information to us. Have you ever wondered why information that you really needed at a particular point in your life wasn’t revealed to you when you felt like you really needed it the most?

It’s because we are being created right now through every experience we have.

A while back while rummaging through some of Marc Allen’s videos on Youtube, I came across a newly published author and Buddhist monk named Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche. Shyalpa, had just published his new book entitled: ‘Living Fully, Finding Joy in Every Breath’, with New World Library and he wanted to share some of his ancient Eastern wisdom with Marc and us in that interview.

Out of everything Shyalpa said, and he said a lot of very truthful and factual information which many of us overlook when looking for guidance and wisdom. One thing in particular stood out to me.

Shyalpa said that Buddha was able to reach Nirvana because he was a born to a king and unlike many of us didn’t need to strive for money, since he was born into a wealthy family.

At that moment I was reminded of how even something as seemingly superficial as running in the rat race after money, is also a cry for God’s mercy and Grace. Tears came to my eyes as I reflected on how many of us spend countless numbers of hours each week sacrificing precious time we will never get back. 

Not because we Love money and are uber materialistic beings but because money if obtained in conjunction with our highest life expression, allows us to live a life which glorifies the Isness of life.

When I saw life through these lens, I realized instantly how incredibly and lovingly committed most people really are to this journey called life. We will do everything we can to reach a means to spend more time freely glorifying God.

                -We are all Love at the core of our creation-

We know that in the attainment of our goals lyes our ability to finally help ourselves and others!

At the end it’s all Love or God! No one person can ever claim that they and only they hold the truth or the way exclusively to God. In doing so, we limit God’s infinite intelligence and wreak havoc on our planet and it’s people by becoming closed off in rigid belief systems.

Muslims have always believed that God has 99 names and many of them, out of devotion and Love to a greater power that is, spend much time reciting and  affirming those 99 names of God.

Hindus’ believe in many God’s but at the only one at the end. Why? Because at the central point of it all, God is present in billions of forms and billions of ways! Is our search to label God and tie him/her down a true search for God?

                        Doesn’t God come to us in countless forms? 

And isn’t everything we see in nature and within humanity living proof of that? Wouldn’t it be easier to just wake-up and realize that we are living in a dream called creation?

What if we are not searching for God’s name but instead searching for God’s Love within each other?

                    What if we are the nine billion names of God?

So far we’ve got 7 billion answers inhabiting our planet, looks like we’ve only got another 2 billion to go!

Thanks for stopping by! What personal life experiences has God used you to teach a lesson or lessons through? How have you discovered that infinite inner peace and knowingness that simply is? I would Love to hear God's voice speak through your life!


More Great Sources to Reaffirm and Recharge Your Soul's Purpose!

To view Marc Allen's interview with Buddhist monk Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche please visit:

Or to Learn More About Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche and/or 'Living Fully, Finding Joy in Every Breath' visit him at: